“We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.” – Jonathan Gottschall

Welcome to MACq 01 Hotel, Hobart’s luxury waterfront accommodation

Stories are made as fast as they’re forgotten. Some are grand and awe-inspiring, told for generations – whilst others are quiet, intimate moments only ever heard by a few. Explore the stories that make up Tasmania, and experience moments unlike you have before.

Packages + Special Experiences

Where history lives

As you sit day-dreaming on the waterfront, taking in the calm of the ocean with your mind adrift, you find yourself gazing out on the same waters the Muwinina people fished, the same waves cut by the prows of the early settlers.

These stories and many more live on in the rooms and corridors of MACq 01. With its quiet luxury and boisterous history, this is a place that preserves and promotes the long, wild Tasmanian story – a hotel not just located in Hobart, but made of it.


Taste tells a story that can’t be told with words. Food can take you anywhere, to any point in time – whether it’s a place you’ve never been or a memory from your childhood. We’ve been telling stories with food since before we could write.

Today, we invite you to gather by our modern-day campfire and share your own stories over Tasmania’s finest fare.

Welcome to Hobart's Waterfront Neighbourhood

Water is what separates Tasmania from the rest of the world, both in location and quality. Our seafood is in a class of its own, while fresh Tasmanian water is the magical ingredient that makes our whisky and gin so sought after. There’s no better place to experience this than MACq 01 Hotel.

Today, working fishing boats still bob in the docks, kunanyi (Mount Wellington) remains an ever-present forefather and a firm sense of community continues to bind us island dwellers. Venture out into our neighbourhood – nothing’s too far away.

Virtual Waterfront Tour Click To Explore Click and Drag Below to Explore

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